For Reviewers

Contribution of peer review

Peer review helps editors make editorial decisions. In communication with authors, the review results are used to assist authors in refining their texts.
Reviewers discuss the pros and cons of articles and take a stand on the content and finishing of the texts.
Reviewers should be alert to ethical issues and submit them to the editorial board as appropriate. This applies to issues such as (but not limited to) to direct authors to sources the reviewers believe are missing from manuscripts, or if they become aware of the obvious similarities between the relevant manuscript and previously published material.


Reviewers should consider the evaluation of a manuscript as confidential. They should not show or discuss the content of a manuscript to any other party.

Reviewers may not use or refer to unpublished material they have been assigned to review.

Objectivity and conflicts of interest

Reviewers should always be objective and base their critique on clear arguments. Comments about the author's character or attributes or contemptuous comments are highly inappropriate.
Reviewers should consult with the editorial board, should they consider themselves unfit to evaluate the scientific value of manuscripts (e.g. due to their affiliation or due to other conflicts of interest).
If a reviewer does not consider themselves having the time to submit their review on time, they should resign from the project as soon as possible or request additional time.